In response to ongoing developments and health concerns in relation to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and Government imposed restrictions on travel, mass gatherings and social distancing, Motorcycling Australia (MA) and Dandenong Motorcycle Club have made the tough decision to cancel the 2020 Australian 4 Day Enduro (A4DE) which was set to be run in Erica, Victoria, May 6-9, 2020.
Government restrictions imposed have now made it impossible for the event to continue.
With daily Government policy and guideline changes in relation to COID-19, travel, mass gatherings and social distancing, MA and Dandenong Motorcycle Club have agreed to cancel A4DE for May 2020 and start planning for the 2021 and 2022 events.
Following discussions between MA, Trail and Enduro Motorcycle Club of WA and Dandenong Motorcycle Club, Victoria, it has been agreed that the 2021 A4DE will be held in Western Australia as previously announced and the 2022 event will now be held in Erica, Victoria.
“Together with the clubs we have made this tough decision, and they should be congratulated for being proactive in moving forward and agreeing on the future event timetable.”
The judgment to postpone any MA National event is not taken lightly by MA and we take this opportunity to apologies for any inconvenience caused by this required decision.