Date: Wednesday 30th July, 2020
Updates to Queensland COVID Safe Industry Plans
Motorcycling Queensland can advise that the proposed amendments to the COVID Safe Industry Plans for the sport, recreation and fitness industry have now been approved by Queensland’s Chief Health Officer.
The key update for MQ clubs and event promoters, particularly those running events / activities for more than 500, to be aware of, is:
Indoor and outdoor events run by sport, fitness or active recreation organisations / providers (eg Motorcycling Queensland and, or, one of our affiliated clubs), operating in compliance with an approved COVID Industry Safe Plan, do not require any additional approvals to run their event.
Organisers of events that are larger than 500 people, and, operating under an existing Industry Safe Plan (MQ and our affiliated clubs are operating under the Outdoor Sports Plan) or Site Specific plan must notify their relevant Queensland Public Health Units of the event a minimum of ten days before the event.
Ongoing compliance with COVID Safe Industry Plans
A reminder to all clubs, event organisers and coordinators, now is not the time to be complacent. MQ reminds all of our clubs, coaches, event promoters that all permitted events and activities must continue to comply with COVID Safe compliance requirements.
You can view a copy of the current approved Queensland Outdoor Sports Covid Safe Industry Plan here. In particular we draw club, event organisers, etc. attention to the Covid Safe Plan ‘Checklist’, commencing on page 23 of this Plan.
A reminder also that your club / event / activity has on display a copy of its Statement of Compliance.
Thank-you for your continued cooperation with this.
Self scrutineering at MQ events
Motorcycling Queensland can consider requests from clubs / event promoters and organisers who wish to offer self-scrutineering to participants at their competition event.
The process is as follows:
- Apply in writing, via email to the MQ Events Manager (events@mqld.org.au) at the time of producing your Supp Regs to have self scrutineering allowed at your event;
- The MQ Events Manager will reply to you, confirming / denying your request. In some instances, the MQ Events Manager may utilise the expertise of the relevant MQ subcommittee to help determine a decision.
- If your request is approved, the MQ Events Manager will issue your club / event coordinator with the approved MQ Self Scrutineering form which can then be made available to participants entering your event, and, in so doing, will explain the process and expectations regarding how self scrutineering is to operate at your event.
nb: self scrutineering is not an opportunity to have no scrutineering at your event. Events will still be required to have a Scrutineer in attendance at the event who will conduct random ‘spot checks’, and, will still have all of the usual authority associated with the position of Scrutineer.
More information is available by contacting the MQ Events Manager – Simon Wadwell.