The year ahead is looking great with a relatively full calendar of events in all our disciplines.
Your Board has been busy working on a number of key issues over the last 6 months or so. One of these includes upgrading and fine tuning our Corporate Governance for the whole of the organisation. Ranging from MA, State Bodies, State Sub-committees and ultimately Clubs. This will focus on Conflicts of Interest (at all levels), Election of Directors, Education and Training through the whole of the Sport. Our Directors will have Directors ID’s as requested by ASIC, training through Australian Sports Commission, and will engage the newly formed Motorcycling Australia Nominations Committee to appoint Directors at the upcoming AGM.
Speaking of Directors, a huge thanks goes out to Anne Polsoni and Andy Walmsley who retire by rotation this year and have flagged that they will not nominate this time around. We need to thank and congratulate both outgoing Directors for their enormous input and valuable knowledge they have shared in our sport. Anne will still be involved in the MX Sub-Committee, another area where she contributes greatly.
The Board will be having its annual meeting with the SthEast Queensland Council of Mayors this month as our partners in Queensland Moto Park. There are several key issues on the agenda to improve and enhance the rider and visitor experience at the Park. Stay tuned for the outcomes.
Recently our partners at Tivoli, Motoland, came under fire for the manner in which they were operating the complex. Ipswich City Council held a public forum to table residents issues within the complex. It was an interesting and lively discussion with outcomes favouring the continuance of the complex with certain changes to its operation. All in all, Motoland is abiding by the original DA for the use of the complex and is working closely with MQ on improvements. Moreton Districts MX will continue to operate from the venue as well. Big improvements to the track brings a whole new experience to the MX community.
Ride Race Enjoy