Get Started Vouchers
Get Started Vouchers assist eligible children and young people with a voucher that provides up to $150 to help with the costs for membership and participation fees. The vouchers can be redeemed at local sport and active recreation clubs.
Get Going Clubs
Get Going Clubs provides funding to support local and regional not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations with a one-off grant of up to $7,500 towards projects that improve club capabilities.
Get Planning Spaces
Get Planning Spaces provides funding of up to $100,000 for organisations to develop quality infrastructure planning to improve the quality of decision making and strategic plan.
Get Playing Places and Spaces
Get Playing Places and Spaces provides funding of up to $150,000 to assist with the development of places and spaces so that more Queenslanders are encouraged to become involved in the sport or active recreation activity of their choice.
Get Playing Plus
Get Playing Plus provides funding contributions of $200,000 to a maximum of $1.5 million for projects that are new or upgraded places and spaces which increase participation, meet service gaps and address community needs for sport and active recreation.
Female Facilities Program
Female Facilities Program provides funding up to $500,000 to build or upgrade fit-for-purpose amenities and change room facilities to encourage greater participation in sport and active recreation activities by women and girls.
For further information on these programs and how to apply please visit here
National Parks, Sport and Racing – Young Athletes Travel Subsidy
The Young Athletes Travel Subsidy assists athletes and officials under 18 years of age with travel and accommodation costs associated with competing at nominated state, national and international sporting competitions. Successful applicants may receive up to $200 for state, $400 for national and $600 for international events. Applications are for reimbursement after traveling to the event. Promote this program to your representative players and officials now to make sure they don’t miss out.
Gambling Community Benefit Fund
The Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) Round 96 is now open and will close 28 Feb, 2018. With grants up to the value of $35,000 (inclusive of GST) available. All eligible organisations are invited to submit grant applications to the Gambling Community Benefit Fund through the new online grants portal.
Please watch the tutorial videos before applying through the grants portal.
Australian Sports Commission – Local Sporting Champions

The Local Sporting Champions program is an Australian Government initiative designed to provide financial assistance for young people aged 12 to 18 towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment when competing, coaching or officiating at an official national sporting organisation (NSO) endorsed state, national or international sporting championships or a School Sport Australia state or national championship.
For more information visit the Australian Sports Commission website.
Useful grants links:
- Queensland Government Grants – A list of all currently available Queensland Government Grants.
- Brisbane City Council Grants – A list of currently available Brisbane City Council Grants for community organisations in the area.
- Australian Institute of Sport Grants – A list of currently available grants available from the Australian Institute of Sport.
Know of a grant available that may not be listed here? Let us know! Email: media@mqld.org.au