Due to uncertainty around COVID-19 and Border restrictions the Trail and Enduro Motorcycle Club of WA committee in consultation with Motorcycling Australia have made the very tough decision to cancel the 2021 Australian 4 Day Enduro Championships (A4DE) planned for May.
The Trail and Enduro Motorcycle Club of WA Inc. committee (WA Australian Four Day Enduro Inc.) had undertaken significant work in preparing for this major event, however with COVID-19 uncertainly, made the tough decision to assist riders and teams planning their year ahead.
“We hope that this will mean that we can avoid the problems with accommodation and transport which will inevitably arise with a last-minute cancellation,” said A4DE Coordinator Collin Jennings.
“The decision was made to ensure the safety of all involved: competitors, supporters, volunteers and the public.
“We are hopeful that the Covid-19 vaccine will have solid coverage Australia wide and people will be able to again travel uninhibited to future A4DE events.
“We are pleased to confirm that our naming rights sponsor Pilot Air Compressed Air Specialists have agreed to stay with us and will support us right through until the next A4DE, as are many of our other supporters and sponsors.
“We encourage riders to keep up to date with the latest developments via our web site as we will provide regular updates and news items.”
While the 2022 A4DE will be held in Victoria, Motorcycling Australia and the Trail and Enduro Motorcycle Club of WA committee will work proactively together on a future Western Australia A4DE which is proposed to be held in 2023.