Australia’s best junior MX’ers will converge on Six Mile Raceway, Rockhampton later this year for the 2020 KTM Australian Junior Motocross Championships (6th – 11th July, 2020).
The Qld Motocross Subcommittee is calling for expressions of interest from those interested in nominating to be appointed to fill the position of Qld Team Manager at this event:
Expressions of interest should be emailed to the Motocross Subcommittee c/- email: admin@mqld.org.au by COB Monday 2nd March, 2020.
EOI’s should include the following information:
– name and contact details of the applicant
– expected / anticipated remuneration or similar for performing the role
– a short summary of the individuals experience
– your availability over the duration of the event (6th – 11th July)