06 May, 2020
Attention: All Motorcycling Queensland clubs,
We understand that this is a difficult and frustrating time for everyone.
As it stands right now, the advice from the Queensland Department Sport and Recreation to State Level Sporting Organisations is that we are still under restrictions on social distancing with people outside your current household, and that Closure Direction (No. 8) – Non-essential business, activity and undertaking as advised by the Chief Health Officer applies.
What this means is that MQ affiliated motorcycling clubs and MQ permitted events are not able to resume activity at this stage, with the exception of Working Bees.
We are aware that some independent operators of off road riding facilities / parks have taken a different approach and have re-opened, and that this may be causing some confusion amongst the motorcycling fraternity.
As Motorcycling Queensland is the organisation recognised by the Queensland State Government as the State Controlling Body for Motorcycle Sport & Recreation, we are in no position to disregard the official advice that has been provided to us by the Department.
The news from National Cabinet about the development of a set of principles for community sport and active recreation is a welcome step forward. The Queensland State Government advises that they will now consider how these principles can be applied and implemented in Queensland to all sport and recreation activities – from elite sport to community sport and recreation.
A dedicated committee will be established to create a set of guidelines for all sport and play activities. This committee will provide options on the stages of our pathway to return to play to the Queensland Chief Health Officer for her consideration, and ultimately hopefully her approval.
The Queensland Department of Sport & Recreation is continuing to liaise with Queensland Health as they consider what the process for lifting restrictions to organised sport and active recreation and what a ‘return to play’ will look for the industry as a whole. As the MQ office knows more, we will in turn communicate with our clubs and event promoters.
MA and the SCB’s are working on a model that will allow for a gradual / phased return to activity as soon as we are able to do so. We hope to be able to provide more details on this very soon.
In the meantime, we want to assure all of our clubs and event promoters that the MQ office continues to be actively working behind the scenes in anticipation of a return on matters such as:
-weekly meetings between MA and SCB management about a return to motorcycle activity
-attending regular Qld Sport & Recreation teleconferences to understand current impacts and ‘return to play’ strategies
-working with MA to understand the implications on the reactivation of the sports insurance (MAIL)
-we are engaged with MA and the other SCB’s regarding potential license extensions
-working closely with MA and our Sports Committees to develop a tentative competition schedule so that we are prepared to hit the ground motoring as soon as we can
-working with affiliated clubs to develop tentative event schedules
-assisting MQ clubs with grant applications
-developing amended budgets to forecast the likely (significant) impact on the organisation and financial strategies moving forward
-conducting engagement activities such as esports competitions, WIN A Licence 4 Life competition
-delivering our online officials training seminars
-we are available to all clubs to assist with Ridernet queries and any additional training requirements
-Qld Moto Park staff are managing the facility maintenance and upkeep, and working on return to activity strategies
Again, we understand that these are frustrating times, and as we receive further clarity on how, when we can ‘return to play’ we will communicate accordingly.
Should any club require further assistance during this time, please contact us via the MQ office – 3281-2255, and then follow the instructions as to how to contact the particular staff member you are wishing to speak with, alternatively send an email to info@mqld.org.au.
*I invite clubs to post this message on their respective social media pages so as to keep members informed of the current situation.