Dear Race Secretaries
In 2018 MA recognised that its waiver did not give any real protection to our clubs, officials and all others who are insured under our public liability insurance. Senior counsel was engaged to draft a new one that deals with the changes in the law that made the old waiver redundant, namely the various Civil Liability Acts and the Australian Consumer Law.
In short, the old waiver doesn’t work to protect anyone involved in our events, such as our clubs, our volunteers, promoters, land owners and venue operators from liability. The new one does work.
The new waiver was introduced at the end of 2018.
But we are still seeing the old waiver in use today, and this just needlessly exposes the sport to more risk.
I need you to:
- Immediately delete or throw out whatever copies or versions of any MA waiver that you currently have our use; and
- Download and save the version in the link; which
- Has been designed to allow you to insert necessary details of the event; and
- Which can be used in exactly the same way as you’ve always used the waiver – making sure everyone has seen it as they’re signing-on. Which means you still only need to have one copy of the waiver at each event (printed big enough for everyone to read) and riders etc just sign the sign-on sheet.
Tony Hynes
Manager Legal and Insurance
Motorcycling Australia Ltd / MA Insurance Ltd
e: legal@ma.org.au
t: +61 419 014 995