Hello all MQ clubs,
We appreciate these are uncertain times that we are all currently operating in, and we understand the challenges facing you as clubs and event promoters.
Motorcycling Queensland wants all clubs and event promoters to know that we are here to work with you, and will continue to provide you with the latest advice as it pertains to COVID-19 and its impact on your ability to conduct events.
In addition to Motorcycling Queensland’s previous announcement on 17th March re: COVID-19, we provide the following additional advice and information to MQ clubs / promoters:
-Most larger motorcycling events (including National & State Championships) scheduled between now and the end of May, 2020 have either been postponed indefinitely or cancelled, from MQ’s perspective this includes: Sunshine State MX Series, the Central Queensland MX Series, the Queensland Off Road Championships Rd3 & 4, and some of the larger Trail Rides.
-At this stage, and until further notice, MQ will continue to issue permits for smaller events, not expecting to approach or exceed the 500 people ‘mass gathering’ maximum. In this regard we would encourage clubs / promoters to not be inclined to ‘push the boundaries’ when it comes to this 500 maximum – see previous announcement. Let’s continue to be the socially responsible activity that most of us already know we are.
-A COVID-19 Risk Assessment document has been developed to guide clubs and event promoters in order for them to ensure risk mitigation strategies are being implemented at their event. All clubs and event promoters conducting events, from this point forward (and until further notice), will be required to complete the Risk Assessment prior to any / every event.
-A number of new and innovative strategies are being implemented by clubs and events to minimise the need for ‘person to person’ contact, for example: self-scrutineering, and signing in with a scanner. The MQ office is happy to work with you and your club on any other new or innovative strategies you may wish to implement to enable your event to proceed.
-We suggest clubs create and install some simple corflute COVID-19 awareness signs (see attached example) around their venue in strategic locations such as: near the canteen, near the toilets, near entry points to continually remind everyone of the need for increased diligence.
-Encourage rides and participants at your event to BYO their own hand sanitisers, toilet paper, etc, whilst also making provisions for the club to do likewise.
-Queensland Moto Park is continuing to operate (usual hours) advising a maximum of 250 riders per day, and is encouraging riders to pre-nominate via the Track Manager booking system so as to not be disappointed.
-The MQ office is operating on a skeleton staff at our Ipswich office, however, staff not in the office will be working from home (usual hours) and as mentioned above are here to help you.
-The MQ office will communicate directly (by phone) with any club running an event on the upcoming weekend on or about Wednesday/Thursday before your event to discuss the above, and any other questions you may have.
-The MQ office will update the calendar of events html and pdf’s regularly on the MQ website.
-In person officials training seminars have been cancelled until further notice, however we will continue to offer our online seminars.
-Lastly, we have developed a COVID – 19 reference page that connects all the information in one place for easy access.
Motorcycling Queensland will continue to monitor the situation, work with our clubs and follow recommendations provided by the relevant government agencies. MQ will make necessary adjustments and provide regular updates as further information is provided.
Kim Rowcliffe
General Manager
Motorcycling Queensland
E: general.manager@mqld.org.au P: (07) 3281 2255
Motorcycling Queensland Management Plan/Risk Assessment