The Toowoomba Motocross Club who are the promoters of Mountain Man Motocross would like to make the following announcement.
The famous MMM event will not be run in 2021 with the club reassuring that it will return in 2022 bigger and better. Next year’s event was set to be the 46th Anniversary of Mountain Man Motocross.
It’s no surprise that Covid 19 has been detrimental to the racing calendar and clubs, promoters, volunteers and the majority of the motorcycle industry have tediously negotiated though changing restrictions to keep racing going.
In the current unstable times, to organise this race which has falls at the start of the year (March) holds many uncertainties.
The Toowoomba Motocross Club believes that with such uncertainty, moving forward it would not be right to ask sponsors to commit their support. The Mountain Man race has boasted some of the biggest prize pools in modern motocross in Australia and has been a big draw card since being revived in 2015.
Although the events hiatus is unfortunate, the Toowoomba Motocross Club has made it clear they will be working hard to continue building the sport in 2021. The Toowoomba Mx Club wants to use the year to grow at a grass roots level. They believe that moving forward it will be important to give local riders every opportunity to get into racing and work on attracting kids to the sport for future years.
The club has also written a letter with an expression of interest to host an Australian Motocross Series round in 2021. With MA promoting the series it offers better benefits and opportunities to our club than previous years, without the financial outlay and risk.
Finally the club would like the thank all the sponsors and those behind the 2020 Case IH Mountain Man Motocross and encourage riders and fans to follow the events Facebook page to keep up to date for 2022.