With the worsening COVID-19 virus (commonly known as Coronavirus) including increasing governmental imposed restrictions on travel, mass gatherings and social distancing in Australia, Motorcycling Australia (MA) have made the difficult decision to postpone Round 2 of the Australian F1 and F2 Sidecar Championship scheduled for May 16 and 17, 2020 at Morgan Park, Queensland. The […]
Ipswich Pony Express Series Postponed
With the rapidly evolving landscape as it relates to COVID-19, the time has come to postpone the Ipswich Pony Express series until further notice. The MDMX Club has put a heap of effort into this event already with hacking out a quality short enduro loop in the scrub around Tivoli, and is extremely keen to […]
2020 A4DE Cancelled
In response to ongoing developments and health concerns in relation to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and Government imposed restrictions on travel, mass gatherings and social distancing, Motorcycling Australia (MA) and Dandenong Motorcycle Club have made the tough decision to cancel the 2020 Australian 4 Day Enduro (A4DE) which was set to be run in Erica, Victoria, May […]
Motorcycling Queensland Management Plan/Risk Assessment for Covid 19
Hello all MQ clubs, We appreciate these are uncertain times that we are all currently operating in, and we understand the challenges facing you as clubs and event promoters. Motorcycling Queensland wants all clubs and event promoters to know that we are here to work with you, and will continue to provide you with the […]
As Australians, we are now in uncharted territory with the declared Pandemic, due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, and the government recommendations around public mass gatherings, travel and social distancing. It is with regret to inform all participants that all rounds of the Sunshine State MX Series are postponed until further notice. This decision […]
QORC Bumped, Ipswich PE Still On
The Queensland Enduro Subcommittee wishes to announce that following a meeting to carefully consider all relevant factors relating to the promotion of the upcoming QORC double-header round, the decision has been made to postpone. It was agreed that postponement was the better option after considering all factors related to the hosting of the round at […]