At the tender age of just 18 years, Sarah Chivers is one of the major hitters in her chosen sport of moto trials. After finishing third in the women’s class in last year’s Australian Trials Championship, she represented Australia for a second time in the Trials Des Nations, joined by good mate Nicole Casey and […]
Women’s Week Profile #4: Britney Boyce
Injury is a regular part of racing, but Britney Boyce’s road in the last 12 months has been a particularly tough one. She’s now two Airoh series rounds back into her return to racing after nearly 12 months off the bike, courtesy of an awkward first corner fall which left her with a fractured spine. […]
Women’s Week Profile #3: Anne Polsoni
Lots of mini racer parents start off in the scoring chair, the canteen or holding a flag, but few people follow beyond the volunteer path until it gets to the MQ board and the Sport Development Subcommittee. Anne Polsoni’s passion for the sport and willingness to contribute has drawn her down that very path. Her […]
Women’s Week Profile #2: Nikki Casey
For Nicole Casey, moto trials is the therapy after study, the eternal carrot dangling before her that represents the next unconquered challenge, and more than anything, it’s the proof that with hard work and perseverance, a rider can push beyond what was ever thought possible. Name: Nicole Casey Age: 21 From: Gladstone Discipline: Trials Bike: TRS RR 250 Sponsors: Revolution […]
Women’s Week Profile #1: Ebony Nielsen
Ebony Nielsen is one of the fastest female enduro racers in Queensland – She’s also our first of five prominent females we’ll shine the spotlight on, to celebrate Women’s Week 2018. Name: Ebony Nielsen (Benny) Age: 19From: Wooroolin QLD Discipline: Enduro and a little bit of MotocrossBike: Husqvarna TE125Sponsors: My bank account That Ebony is right at […]