With the worsening COVID-19 virus (commonly known as Coronavirus) including increasing governmental imposed restrictions on travel, mass gatherings and social distancing in Australia, Motorcycling Australia (MA) have made the difficult decision to postpone Round 2 of the Australian F1 and F2 Sidecar Championship scheduled for May 16 and 17, 2020 at Morgan Park, Queensland.
The round was scheduled to run alongside Motorcycle Sportsmen of QLD’s Masters of Morgan Park.
At this stage the Masters of Morgan Park is still slated to run, however the Club is yet to confirm whether there will be a Club class of F1/F2 Sidecars run in place of the Australian Championship.
With the ever-changing situation regarding COVID-19, MA will continue to provide frequent updates to our members regarding events following the latest information and advice we receive from both the State and Federal Governments.
This postponement does not affect club and recreational activity which meet the Federal and State Government regulations.
We will work closely with event organisers to reschedule as many events as possible, and ensure they understand and are fully aware of Government regulations that should be put in place at their events.
Further event updates on Australian Championships will be posted on the Motorcycling Australia web site www.ma.org.au and relevant championship social media pages.