There were smiles all round at the second round of the KTM SEQJMX Series held at Warwick on the weekend.
Warwick club did a fantastic job as host. They were struggling to keep enough water to keep the track damp for this round. The club has sacrificed to be able to hold the round, they have had to cancel practice days leading up to the series and will not be able to run any more events this year unless they get rain. So a huge thank you to Warwick club from the riders.
With the drought conditions Moto1 organised a water drive at Warwick with riders donating bottles of water that was picked up by Granite Belt Drought Assist.
For something new, red plate stickers went out to series leaders. Riders were very excited and proud of these stickers.
There was great racing to view all weekend. Some standout riders with clean sweep wins were – Nixon Darragh (65cc 7-9yrs C grade), Alysha Goulett (Womens), Ryan Ashdown (65cc 10-11 C grade), Lachlan Allen (65cc 7-9yrs A Grade), Nate Goulding (65cc 7-9yrs B Grade), Max Stevenson (65cc 10-11 a Grade), Brodie Madden (65cc 10-11 yrs B grade), Kyle Harvey (50cc Auto), Jet Alsop (Mini Lites 9-11 A Grade), Wyatt Delangen (Mini Lites 9-11 B Grade), Dylan Marchand (MX2 Pro), Oliver Marchand (MX2 Intermediate), Jack Kitchen (Junior Lites 4/ B grade), Shelby Thompson- Gordon (Mini Lites 12-15 C Grade) and of course special guest Dean Ferris in MX 1 Pro.
Dean Ferris gave some inspirational speeches to riders who were keen to take in any advice from the champion of the sport. It is great to see Dean and his partner Renae giving back and helping out at the sport that they love.
Pics: Ray Watterson