As a member of Motorcycling Australia you are the key to the management of our sport! Often when we talk about Motorcycling Australia, we get lost in our many acronyms that our structure can often get confusing. So what is the Motorcycling Australia Federation, what are State Controlling Bodies (SCBs) and what is it that Motorcycling Australia does and why we now have the Alliance Agreement? Well in this article we will explain!
Just like most western democracies the Motorcycling Australia Federation is elected by you, the member. A federated governance structure is typically focused on the management of sport development, governance of the sport, national championships and manages the link to the international federation.
The business model supporting this structure is characterised by State Controlling Bodies (SCBs), each with their own board of directors, operating as separate businesses. The traditional federated structure creates layers of administration and management. Each layer has its own relationships, investment, championships, staff and service delivery.
The FIM and Sport Australia recognise Motorcycling Australia as the central body in the Federation – the governing body. However, it is you, the member who determines who is your representative, just like in government elections.
It is you the member who has the control and power to elect representatives at a club, state and territory and national level, in order to assist in the management of the participation and safety of Motorcycling Australia members. With over 28,000 members and over 4,000 events run annually, this structure is crucial to ensuring the future growth and development of motorcycling.
As a member of a club, you elect your club committee. The Club Committees elect the Board of Directors for the State Controlling Body in each individual state and territory. It is the State Controlling Bodies that manage the Clubs within their state or territory and hire their own team to manage the states’ operations.
As part of this federated model, the Motorcycling Australia Alliance was set-up to reduce duplication and administration, streamline procedures and policy development, keep costs down for you and help our sport grow across Australia. For you the member, it means there is one consistent voice and champion for your sport.
There are seven State Controlling Bodies that make up the Motorcycling Australia Alliance. It has a representative from each of the State Controlling Bodies that select the Board of Directors for Motorcycling Australia. The Directors of Motorcycling Australia ensure appropriate governance is applied and in collaboration with MA Alliance partners set the strategic direction, which in turn is managed and implemented by the CEO and staff of MA. This covers the operations of the organisation that includes sports development, rules and regulations, national events and championship, just to name a few.
Unlike a dictatorship, under the federated governing model, it is you the Motorcycling Australia member who has the greatest power and influence on your sport. It is you who has the power to influence and elect your Club Committee, your State Controlling Body and essentially decide who represents you on the Motorcycling Australia Board.
It is the State Controlling Bodies by working together as the Motorcycling Australia Alliance who can propose changes to the Motorcycling Australia Constitution. It is only the State Controlling Bodies who by working together, can change the Motorcycling Australia Constitution. And it is the Motorcycling Australia Constitution that governs the entire sport.
This is why it is vital members and clubs have strong representation within their respective State Controlling Bodies and relevant discipline committees, to ensure grass roots members and Clubs have a voice and can be supported in their growth.
It is the State Controlling Bodies’ role and responsibility to assist Clubs with the development of programs to help Clubs with their events and facilities to attract new members. Healthy Clubs and State Controlling Bodies not only ensure our sport will continue to prosper into the future, but also elect strong representation to the Motorcycling Australia Board to be a strong voice for our sport across the nation.
The Motorcycling Australia Alliance Team (ALT) is essentially the team representing their respective Boards. The team is made up of a board member that represents each State Controlling Board and Motorcycling Australia. This Alliance leadership team strives to create a unified and national approach to our sport whilst maintaining the passion of their members. The Alliance is able to provide members with the unique ability to put the members’ interest front and centre.
In today’s sporting environment, it is vital that we as Members, Clubs, State Controlling Bodies, Motorcycling Australia through the Alliance are united in the future direction and growth of our sport. There is no limit on what we can create for the next generation of riders.